Saturday, April 25, 2009

Finally!! i got a blog frens =D

hey guys..shocked that i have a blog as well??? hahaha... well.. i dint noe i will actually write a blog too..i first noe there is such thing is when i was in my secondary school.. DAILY, my frens always talk about blogs..they;ll start asking frens for their links..comment about their posts.. talked about it... but i counldn't care less..i just sit there and listen as sometimes.. their topics are quite interesting.. BUT!! today.. my fren in secondary school finally get to influence me.. and the person is no doubt LAM JER RENN...:D:D (sorry mate dunno why it suddenly became large and bold.. i dint set it.. seriously) !!!

Besides the influenced of mr LAm JeR reNn... today.. its was HARI KECEMErLANGAN!! so i thought since i cemerlang d.. i should have a blog lar... =D =D.. hari kecemerlangan was fun.. but if was fun because i was talking and talking with my frens..and not becuase of the event(sorry skul).. *cheeky smile* anyway the event went on quite fast.. and therefore.. we decided to go to PYRAMID!!! there we go.. flying to pyramid.. CHEAH PENG HAN, LOH SAI CHEONG, LAM JER RENN, HENG JIA WEI are the people whom i went with to pyramid...

Our HEAD BOY, Jia wei decided to catch a movie which is PAUL BLART, the mall cop. thus we went to the cinema and bought our tickets..that show was kinda nice.. i will give 7 out of 10 for that show?? haha.. Oh important thing... before the show.. Jerrenn again suggested to go KARLS JR. and so we went there for our LUNCH...and most importantly.. it was at 1030 morning!!! was FILLING!!! the burger was of course nice but seriously.. we were like.. struggling to finish the food even thought we are some BIG EaTTERS!!!! hahahahahahahahaa....well nothing much after the show as some of them went and play pool while jerrenn, jiawei, steven and i went for "window shopping" as we could not stand the smoky smell in the pool place..

yup.. thats about it for today.. fun outing with my frens... miss them so much.. of course my college mates too.. u guys are great =D...

k k.. since i started.. i better keep up the momentum.. will keep on update.. and hopefully it wont be boring for u all..hahahahahaha... FYI i love to HAHAHAHAHAHA and LOL alot.. so if u get annoyed reading it.. i;m SO SO SORRY!!

THATS IT FOR MY 1ST POST!!! a rather long one.. sorry bout that.. still a noob blogger.. have some compassion.. hahahaha.. hope to tell u more.. CYA!!!


  1. But you gotta admit, carl's jr was nice!

    And i would give paul blart 4/10 only =(

  2. Fassus??? lol..yea.. its nice.. 4 ni?? quite funny wut.. hahaha

  3. Haha yes it's my pen name... Or rather one of my pen names haha!

    No lar it wasn't THAT funny...

    And I just realized... I left the first ever comment on your blog! =)

  4. owh so its only Fassus that influenced you only lar??? owh well can;'t say i did a great job on making you considering what i have been doing... anyway, keep it up with your own style~

    PS: i think im starting a blogger's club in taylors.

    nyak nyak~~~

  5. omg wth.. i remember someone telling me "YOU THINK I SO FREE ARRR??"
    lol.. what happened ar?
    too free la u. = ="


  6. LOL!! i noob here la.. sorry lar.. fassus everytime talk abt blog.. how not to join?? LOL!! wat u mean bloggers club in taylors?? can we post something?? haha or onli u posst we comment??

    EL...i where got free.. hhahaha

  7. wei let me syiok abit..
    i just realized.. i was the 1st ever girl who left a comment in ur blog.
